Spring has arrived, so it’s time for migrations, the birds have set off, so I too have followed them into the world. This time we chose sunny Spain, where my wife and I spent a week, traversing the nature-rich corners of Catalonia and Aragon. In keeping with tradition, I present a report from the trip – Birds of Spain. From this article, you will find out what our expedition looked like, how it was organized, which places we visited and how many birds we managed to identify during the week-long stay. If you are planning your own birding trip to Spain, you will certainly find a lot of interesting information here.
- Birds of Spain – A birdwatching expedition
- Nature of Catalonia and Aragon
- Birds of Spain – full observation list
- Birds of Spain – gallery
- Trip plan
- Acknowledgments
- Useful links

Birds of Spain – A birdwatching expedition
It’s slowly becoming our tradition that my wife and I go abroad in the spring. Due to our interests, we rather choose places rich in nature. This year, we initially planned a trip with a certain travel agency to Romania to the Danube Delta. Unfortunately, the trip was cancelled, so we decided to spend the invested money on a trip elsewhere. After a quick reconnaissance of where to go at the end of April and beginning of May, we chose Spain. Specifically, the eastern part of it, as we planned to spend most of the time of our trip in Catalonia, just briefly visiting Aragon in search of steppe birds.
Reviewing the Collins Bird Guide, I quickly counted that the number of new bird species that I potentially have a chance to encounter in the regions we planned to visit reaches several dozen birds. Because we wanted to see as many as possible, we planned a touring trip, during which we would visit several interesting natural sites in 7 days. The birds of Spain are very diverse, so we marked a few interesting locations on Google maps and didn’t set up any rigid trip plan. This turned out to be a perfect choice.

Nature of Catalonia and Aragon
Although migration in that region of Spain is already winding down at the beginning of May, it doesn’t change the fact that the huge diversity of ecosystems guarantees a large diversity of organisms inhabiting them, including numerous birds of Spain. Since our trip was focused on active leisure and exploration in search of as many birds as possible, our tour plan of the east of the country focused on the most nature-rich places. In this regard, the ebird.org portal was unmatched, where you can easily locate places from which birdwatchers report their observations.
Of course, part of our time spent in Spain was also reserved for sightseeing in cities. After all, it would be a sin not to visit Girona, where many scenes of the series Game of Thrones were shot, or the world-famous Barcelona. How it turned out in practice, you will find out soon, below are a few paragraphs about the places we visited. In chronological order.

Girona – city park and old town
Girona is a charming city known primarily for its picturesque old town, whose narrow, cobbled streets tempt you to take walks and discover numerous monuments, such as the impressive cathedral complex from the 11th century. An interesting fact is that many scenes of the popular series “Game of Thrones” were shot in Girona. We spent the first day in Spain right there. After landing at a nearby airport, we picked up a car we had rented in advance, checked in at the accommodation we had reserved through Air Bnb, and went on foot to explore the town.

Our route was not long, after a few minutes’ walk we arrived at a very large park, Park La Devesa, largely covered with tall trees from the plane tree family. Among the trees, we managed to spot rose-ringed parakeets, spotless starlings, a few tits, and a nuthatch. We also heard a green woodpecker, but we couldn’t spot it. The birds of Spain slowly started to fill the list of newly observed species.
The park is bordered on the north by the Ter River, where we quickly noticed several interesting bird and mammal species. The shallow river water forming numerous bends is a very good place for foraging for common sandpipers, mallards, little egrets, Audouin’s gulls and cormorants. We spotted these species almost immediately, and after a few minutes, Carrion crows also flew in.
After visiting the park, we headed to the old town, where I spotted Kestrels patrolling the sky from afar. The charm of the narrow streets and really old architecture quickly convinced us why this city was chosen as the setting for the Game of Thrones series. We even managed to recognize a few characteristic places we had seen in the series. While strolling through the old town, not only monuments caught my attention, I managed to spot a Blue Rock Thrush on one of the roofs of old tenement houses. As it turned out, this was the only opportunity to watch this beautiful bird.

National Park – Delta del Llobregat
After a super comfortable overnight stay, we set out for Barcelona. The plan was simple: to reach the place of our stay, leave the car in the parking lot by the accommodation, and go sightseeing in the famous city. Simple plan, yet it didn’t work out. It turned out that the host of our accommodation did not have the promised parking, and the parking rules in Barcelona for non-residents are one big nightmare. After losing the entire morning and forenoon, we finally gave up on visiting Barcelona. We only saw the famous Sagrada Família cathedral from the car window as we were leaving the city. The backup plan was – Delta del Llobregat, a national park literally located behind the fence of the huge El Prat airport.
We therefore gave up the monuments and attractions of Barcelona in favor of observing wild nature from really very close. Delta del Llobregat Park is an important place for migrating birds, who find shelter and rest here during their journey. The delta is also home to many species of plants and animals, and its marshes and lagoons create a unique natural environment. We had the opportunity to observe many species of birds there. Even though we arrived at this place at the worst possible time for photography, my camera’s shutter did not stop. From the photographic hides scattered throughout the park, I managed to spot several common bird species of Spain, which were new and exotic to me. My life list was growing by another species minute by minute.
Montserrat mountain
Montserrat is a mountain and monastery in Spain, located northwest of Barcelona. It is characterized by a unique landscape of rocky peaks, which resemble teeth or needles in shape. It is also an important pilgrimage site, and the monastery houses a venerated statue of the Black Madonna, attracting believers from around the world. We went to visit the monastic complex and for a hike straight from Barcelona, on the third day of our stay in Spain.

According to the recommendations from all the guides that we had come across, we decided to leave Barcelona, which had given us a hard time the day before, as early as possible. Just after dawn, we headed north to get to the Montserrat massif and the monastery located there before the crowds of other tourists. It was a very good decision, indeed when we arrived at the place, early in the morning, a few buses already welcomed us parked in the parking lot, but the crowds had not yet arrived. We therefore visited the most interesting corners of the monastery and when it started to get really crowded, we embarked on a several-hour, not very demanding trail.

The trip was very pleasant, the route is suitable even for retirees, the path is even and not very steep. Along the route, we found several fantastic viewpoints from which you could even see Barcelona and the Mediterranean Sea, 40 kilometers away as the crow flies. There wasn’t much in terms of natural attractions, but this could be expected since this place is so popular with tourists. In the high mountain bushes, I spotted a robin, chaffinch, winchat, and a Sardinian warbler (unfortunately, I didn’t manage to capture it in a photo), and several times a peregrine falcon and ravens flew over our heads. I didn’t manage to spot any of the ibexes that are present in this region.
After a very pleasant walk in the mountains, tired but very satisfied, we packed up and drove into the town of Riumar in the Ebro River delta, where we were to spend the next three days.
National Park – Delta de l`Ebre
The Ebro Delta is a vast delta area in Spain, located on the eastern coast in the Catalonia region. It is one of the largest river deltas in Europe, known for its beautiful landscapes, extensive wetlands, lagoons, and sandy dunes. This natural environment is home to numerous species of water birds and fish, and also constitutes an important nature conservation area, attracting bird watchers. The turn of April and May is the time when the surrounding rice fields are flooded with water. These are conditions that a multitude of birds eagerly take advantage of.

Our accommodation for the next three days was in the beautiful and very quiet at this time of year town of Riumar. It was a typical tourist row house with a very nice terrace overlooking a small courtyard with a pool and a view of the sea. As we unpacked our bags, I knew it would be a great base for morning observations of Spanish birds. I was right, nearby areas were rich in diverse bird species. On the protected dunes at the beach, I encountered several species of gulls, terns, flycatchers, starlings and spotless starlings, skylarks, linnets, wagtails, reed buntings, and an long-eared owl at night. On the shallow bay, mallards swam, pink flamingos waded, and groups of sandpipers dashed along the shore.
The town itself was chirping all day, there were a lot of sparrows, unfortunately, I could not spot a Spanish sparrow among them. Also, among the town’s buildings, you could hear several scops owls at night. Two long night walks were not enough to spot them, though.
On the western border of the town, there is also a large wasteland, which is clearly periodically flooded with water, probably salty, as it is a low-lying area very close to the sea. Walking there at dawn, I spotted ringed and common plovers, a Zitting cisticola, an Itowny pipits, winchats, stonechat, a meadow pipit, reed warblers and several redstarts.

And this is just a description of the immediate vicinity of our accommodation! Leaving the town from the eastern side, after a short walk, you can reach Mirador del Garxal where two birdwatching hides have been set up, which focus on the large shallow bay partially overgrown with reeds. From there you can easily spot flamingos, gadwalls, mallards, great, grey, little and purple herons, whiskered and common terns, and little gulls. Meanwhile, on the meadow behind you, there are hoopoes and magpies. From the reeds, you can hear reed warblers, sedge warblers, reed buntings, Zitting cisticola.
If you’re planning a birdwatching trip to Spain, be sure to visit the Ebro Delta!
Bassa del Bosquet
Bassa del Bosquet is a tiny patch of marshland near the mouth of the Ebro. We spent about two hours there, which were fruitful in terms of new species of birds on my life list.. The western swamphen showed up in the marsh’s reeds, a roller perched on a branch above me, and in the dense bushes, I managed to spot a western orphean warbler. On a nearby rice field, I also spotted my first cattle egret.
Cementiri de Barques

The Boat Cemetery is a very atmospheric place where, by one canal, you’ll find numerous old boats sunk in shallow water, overgrown with algae and mussel shells. There’s an expansive view over a vast shallow bay where Spain’s magnificent birds perch. During a short walk, I spotted a whole host of species there, with some of the more interesting ones being curlews, turnstones, ruffs, grey plovers, and bar-tailed godwits. Of course, ibises and stilts are also very interesting birds, but I’m not mentioning those because they’re everywhere in the Ebro Delta. In bulk quantities.
Playa El Trabucador
El Trabucador is a narrow piece of land forming part of a peninsula. The beach cuts off a very shallow and wide bay from the sea, which forms many puddles and closed pools with seawater. The periodically flooded and exposed sand is a great place for watching wading birds, gulls, and terns. In this place, I managed to read three rings on Audouin’s gulls. I added the collared pratincole to my life list after visiting El Trabucador.
Three days is definitely too short a time to explore the Ebro Delta; I’m convinced that a few more days would surely allow me to significantly extend my list of observations. I’m hoping that I’ll have the opportunity to visit this beautiful place again someday; I still have a few places marked in the delta that I’d like to visit.
Aragon Steppes – Reserva Ornitológica de El Planerón
On Sunday, April 30, I had scheduled a joint excursion for us to the steppes of Aragon with a local birdwatcher. I knew that the steppe birds of Spain, such as larks, sandgrouse, bustards, or rare species of larks and buntings, wouldn’t be easy to find. I decided to seek help from a local bird enthusiast, and it’s quite easy to find contact information for such individuals on birdingpal.org. After exchanging a few messages, I managed to arrange for us to go birdwatching with Arturo, a hobbyist birdwatcher who lives near Zaragoza.

Since we wanted our birdwatching adventure start early, our day began at 3:30 am… To meet up with Arturo, we had to travel 230 kilometers. The journey passed quite quickly and stress-free, the sunrise greeted us just as we descended from the highlands to the flat steppes. There, we were greeted with truly beautiful views and landscapes. We were only half an hour late to meet with our affable guide, who chose the nature reserve El Planerón as our first place to visit.
El Planerón Ornithological Reserve is an area of steppes in Spain, characterized by its unique flora and fauna. It is home to rare species of birds such as the Dupont’s lark, short-toed lark, and both black and white-bellied sandgrouse. This area attracts bird lovers from around the world; we ourselves met a Dutchman trying to find a Dupont’s lark. The reserve is managed and protected by the SEO/BirdLife organization, which conducts scientific and educational research to protect birds and their habitats.
Thanks to Arturo’s experience and knowledge of the terrain and local bird species, he arranged a route for us where I encountered a completely new species to me every moment. In half an hour of observation, I spotted – rock pigeon, Egyptian vulture, short-toed lark, lesser short-toed lark, Calandra lark, white-bellied sandgrouse, red-legged partridge, Mediterranean shrike and the super rare Dupont’s lark! Even the very sharp light and powerful wind blowing in this place virtually non-stop couldn’t spoil this experience.

Pozo de los Chorros, Belchite
After leaving the El Planeron reserve, we made a brief stop at an olive grove. A multitude of small birds were flitting about in the dense branches of olive trees, some of which were hundreds of years old. There, I encountered my first ever Dartford Warbler, which unfortunately wasn’t cooperative for a selfie. Luckily, the new addition to my life list, the woodchat shrike, was much friendlier and allowed me to take a few shots.
Then we headed towards Belchite, a town where you can see the sad remnants of the civil war that took place in Spain between 1936 – 1939. We went southwest of the town, entering small gravel roads leading to fields laid evenly above the Aguasvivas river. There, right after getting out of the car, a western black-eared wheatear perched on a roadside sign. I only took a few shots because I could already hear an excited Arturo calling me to come as quickly as possible. When I followed his voice, I didn’t regret it. I stood at the edge of a slope, covered with small fields gradually descending towards the river flowing below. On the other side of the river, a high and steep rocky cliff dominated, which was the backdrop for a bird spectacle.
In this location, several species rapidly made their way onto my life list – the red-billed chough, rock sparrow, crag martin, griffon vulture, booted eagle, and egyptian vulture. On one of the cliff ledges, we even managed to spot a pair of griffon vultures near their nest. One of them was likely incubating eggs.

Griffon vulture on the nest
As the sun was already quite high, and we did not want to become a meal for the vultures, we took a well-deserved break. We drove a considerable distance to a restaurant recommended by Arturo for a shared meal. After stretching our limbs and filling our stomachs, we were to set off again on the hunt for birds of Spain, but this time in an enlarged group. Arturo’s friend, Esteban, joined us. He was supposed to show us the best local places to spot bustards, little bustards nad sandgrouses. The time of day and year was not optimal for observing these species, but the round of field roads still ended with a 33% success – we managed to spot the black-bellied sandgrouse.
Esteban suggested a trip in search of owls, with the long-eared owl, little owl, and eagle owl on the list! The long-eared owl and little owl were spotted without a problem, however, the eagle owl unfortunately did not appear at its nest located surprisingly close to civilization. We ended a day full of ornithological excitement with the observation of an entire colony of lesser kestrels.
Congost de Mont-rebei
For the last full day spent searching for birds in Spain, we planned a trip to the very edges of the Pyrenees. We wanted to visit the little-known but very picturesque Mont-rebei gorge. The journey itself was filled with views of magnificent landscapes and interesting ornithological observations. Black Kites were literally flying everywhere, and while leaving Aragon, we observed a multitude of bee-eaters, larks, and wheatears. The ride was enjoyable, with sunny weather as throughout the entire trip. After parking the car near the gorge, I spotted an alpine swift and a Bonelli’s warbler, two more species on my lifetime observation list.
The hike through the gorge was also very enjoyable, with breathtaking views. We didn’t do the entire trail, however, because we still had several hundred kilometers of road planned for the day. We wanted to end our tour of Spain as close to Girona as possible, from where we had a return flight booked to Krakow. The Mont-rebei gorge wasn’t teeming with birds, we spotted a few more griffon vultures, chaffinch, nightingales, and several flycatchers.

We concluded the expedition called Birds of Spain with an overnight stay in the city of Tàrrega. On the last day, I got up at dawn to take a walk around the town. Waking up early was a very good idea. Literally a few hours before leaving Spain, I managed to photograph two more species for my lifetime list – a Cetti’s warbler and a Pallid swift.
Below you will find a list of all the bird species in Spain that we saw or heard. The 49 bolded species on the list mark my first encounter with that bird. In summary, during a week spent in Spain, I managed to identify 155 bird species, a result that is more than satisfactory.
You can find my list of lifetime observations here – Birds – documented observations
Birds of Spain – full observation list
- Common shelduck
- Northern shoveler
- Gadwall
- Mallard
- Red-crested pochard
- Greater flamingo
- Little grebe
- Great crested grebe
- Rock dove
- Feral pigeon
- Common wood pigeon
- European turtle dove
- Eurasian collared dove
- Common cuckoo
- Common swift
- Common moorhen
- Eurasian Coot
- Western swamphen
- Black-winged stilt
- Grey plover
- Kentish plover
- Common ringed plover
- Little ringed plover
- Eurasian curlew
- Bar-tailed godwit
- Ruddy turnstone
- Temminck’s stint
- Sanderling
- Dunlin
- Common snipe
- Common sandpiper
- Common greenshank
- Wood sandpiper
- Common redshank
- Collared pratincole
- Slender-billed gull
- Audouin’s gull
- Yellow-legged gull
- Mediterranean gull
- Little tern
- Gull-billed tern
- Caspian tern
- Whiskered tern
- Common tern
- Sandwich tern
- Great cormorant
- Little bittern
- Grey heron
- Purple heron
- Great egret
- Little egret
- Cattle egret
- Black-crowned night heron
- Glossy ibis
- Eurasian spoonbill
- Western marsh harrier
- Eurasian hoopoe
- Bee-eater
- Common kestrel
- Eurasian golden oriole
- Woodchat shrike
- Eurasian magpie
- Remiz
- Mediterranean short-toed lark
- Crested lark
- Zitting cisticola
- Common reed warbler
- Great reed warbler
- Sand martin
- Barn swallow
- Common house martin
- Western Bonelli’s warbler
- Common chiffchaff
- Cetti’s warbler
- Common whitethroat
- Common starling
- Spotless starling
- Blackbird
- Spotted flycatcher
- Common nightingale
- European pied flycatcher
- Common redstart
- Whinchat
- Northern wheatear
- House sparrow
- Tree sparrow
- Western yellow wagtail
- European greenfinch
- European goldfinch
- European serin
- Greylag goose
- Common pochard
- Red-legged partridge
- Alpine swift
- Eurasian oystercatcher
- Northern lapwing
- European storm petrel
- Black-tailed godwit
- White stork
- Short-toed snake eagle
- Booted eagle
- Marsh harrier
- Montagu’s harrier
- Black kite
- Red kite
- Common buzzard
- Eurasian scops owl
- Little owl
- Long-eared owl
- European roller
- Peregrine falcon
- Iberian grey shrike
- Eurasian jay
- Western jackdaw
- Raven
- Eurasian blue tit
- Great tit
- Greater short-toed lark
- Calandra lark
- Eurasian skylark
- Sedge warbler
- Savi’s warbler
- Eurasian blackcap
- Western Orphean warbler
- Sardinian warbler
- European robin
- Black redstart
- European stonechat
- Western black-eared wheatear
- White wagtail
- Tawny pipit
- Common chaffinch
- Common linnet
- Corn bunting
- Pin-tailed sandgrouse
- Black-bellied sandgrouse
- Egyptian vulture
- Eurasian griffon vulture
- Golden eagle
- Great spotted woodpecker
- European green woodpecker
- Rose-ringed parakeet
- Red-billed chough
- Carrion crow
- Crested tit
- Dupont’s lark
- Thekla’s lark
- Eurasian crag martin
- Blue rock thrush
- Rock sparrow
- Yellowhammer
- Lesser kestrel
- Dartford warbler
- Garden Warbler
- Song Thrush
Birds of Spain – gallery

Trip plan
We didn’t manage to visit all the places that interested us, but there were definitely too many to see everything in a week. We had to forgo visiting places like the Montseny National Park and the Natural Park of the Volcanic Zone of La Garrotxa. One place we wanted to see but didn’t manage to was the city of Barcelona.
Below I present the plan of our birdwatching trip to Spain:
25.04 Lublin > Krakow > Girona
26.04 Girona > Barcelona > Delta del Llobregat
27.04 Barcelona > Montserrat > Riumar in the Ebro Delta
28.04 Cementiri de Barques > Bassa del Bosquet > Playa El Trabucador
29.04 Riumar surroundings > Playa El Trabucador
30.04 Riumar > Aragon > Reserva Ornitológica de El Planerón > Belchite > Cartuja Baja
01.05 Cartuja Baja > Congost de Mont-rebei > Tàrrega
02.05 Tàrrega > Girona > Krakow > Lublin

Our flight from Poland departed from Krakow, and we got there from Lublin in our own car, arriving just in the nick of time. We made it literally a minute before the gates closed. However, we were well prepared for security control, so once we had passed through the gates, we got on the plane without any stress or problems. The flight was short, although somewhat prolonged due to the need to circle the airport in Girona.
Upon arrival, we quickly and easily picked up the car we had pre-booked through some intermediary. I’m not going to advertise any companies we used here. If anyone is interested in the specifics because they’re planning their own trip, feel free to get in touch ?
The car was new, in good working order, and comfortable. We drove it over 1400 kilometers in a week and it didn’t cause us a moment’s worry. Well, maybe apart from the situation in Barcelona, but the problem there was not the car, but the lack of parking spaces.
The car rental rules were fairly straightforward: we picked up the car with a full tank and were to return it with a full tank and undamaged. Fortunately, we didn’t need to make use of the full insurance we had opted for.
Hotels in Spain can be expensive, but the accommodations we found through Airbnb comfortably fit our budget. We specifically chose places that offered parking spaces, so we were very disappointed and stressed about the situation in Barcelona. That’s the only aspect I feel deserves a comment in terms of accommodations. Everywhere else, the lodging conditions were exactly as described in the listings.
The Airbnb hosts were generally friendly, although unfortunately, we were only able to communicate with two of them in English.
The round-trip flights with priority boarding and additional carry-on baggage for two people cost 1,960 PLN. The car rental, including insurance, amounted to 871 PLN. Accommodations for 7 nights in various locations for two people totaled 1,780 PLN. Travel insurance cost 130 PLN.
Certainly, it would have been possible to organize such a trip at a lower cost, for example by choosing flights with layovers, which could have saved us around 35% of the price. However, we had allocated 168 hours for our vacation and didn’t want to spend 20 of them at airports. That’s why we opted for the more expensive but direct and faster flight.
Similarly, with accommodations, in Spain (especially in Barcelona), hostels with dormitory rooms are popular and available at a slightly lower cost. However, we chose accommodations in private rooms primarily for privacy and the security of our luggage.
It would have been difficult to save on transportation costs in Spain. We chose one of the cheapest rental cars, filled up at the cheapest gas stations. Public transportation would have significantly limited our options and prevented us from visiting as many places, especially the less popular ones among tourists. The only option for optimizing transportation costs would have been to forgo full insurance coverage. However, considering our plans to explore the steppes and venture into the mountains, the probability of an incident not covered by basic insurance was relatively high. Just a small rock falling from the mountain cliffs, of which we passed dozens, could have caused damage to the windshield that would have to be paid out of pocket. For peace of mind, it’s worth paying for full insurance coverage.
Notes and advice
Here is a list of tips we can share from our birdwatching trip in Spain:
- Never, ever drive in Barcelona!
- There is a plague of theft in Spain, as warned by locals. Exercise caution, don’t carry all your money and documents in one place, avoid keeping wallets or valuable items in the back pocket of your pants, and never leave any belongings visible in your car. Fortunately, we didn’t encounter any such situations.
- If you don’t speak Spanish, make sure to have a data package for EU roaming. Google Translator will be useful as few people speak English. The Google Lens feature is also handy for taking pictures of signs or menus and having the text translated.
- Look for restaurants offering “menú del día” (menu of the day). We paid 21 euros per person in one restaurant and received an appetizer, starter, main course, dessert, still water, sparkling water, and wine.
- When ordering a dish in a restaurant, it’s worth asking how it is served. You’d be surprised by the sight of the hamburger we received in Riumar…
- Don’t underestimate the Spanish sun. Even in April, it can quickly cause sunburn.
- Spaniards rarely use the right turn signal when exiting a roundabout, so be alert.
- If you’re going in search of wildlife, we highly recommend seeking the assistance of local birdwatchers. Our day with Arturo was definitely one of the most thrilling birding experiences we’ve had.
We returned from our birdwatching trip in Spain with more than just satisfaction. We encountered 155 species of wild birds in just one week, experienced a wide variety of stunning landscapes, met friendly people, immersed ourselves in a different culture, enjoyed beautiful weather, and made delightful culinary discoveries. Though we were tired due to the highly active nature of our vacation, we were extremely pleased with the abundance of things we were able to see, experience, and uncover. Apart from the stressful situation Barcelona put us through, everything else went smoothly and effortlessly.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to:
Aneta Obroślak for providing invaluable guidance and assistance in organizing our birdwatching trip to Spain. Your advice and insights were instrumental in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. Additionally, I am grateful for your assistance in navigating the parking system in Barcelona. Thank you for your support and contribution to the success of our journey.

Arturo and Esteban, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to both of you for the wonderful birdwatching experience we had together. Your knowledge, enthusiasm, and expertise greatly enriched our trip, and I am truly grateful for the fascinating information and remarkable bird sightings you shared with us. Thanks to your guidance, my life bird list has significantly expanded. Muchas gracias for your invaluable contribution to our journey.
Madlena Warowna – brave wife, thank you for being the best driver in the world <3
Usefull links
Ebird – Explore – a bird observation mapping tool that helped me plan my birdwatching in Spain
Birding Pal – a website where you can find contacts for many local birdwatchers. If you’re looking for a birding guide in the Saragossa area, I highly recommend Arturo – he’s a super friendly guy with extensive knowledge, experience, and excellent English skills. You can find him on http://birdingpal.org/Spain.htm – A. Rubio – photo with a kingfisher.